Darrell got it done Sunday afternoon! I put him in a stand that had a lot of deer traffic but I told him to pay attention because the hogs steady click through this stand. It wasn't long and they made their presence known!
He heard them grunting, squealing and fighting all through the woods almost an hour before they showed their ugly grills. Finally the sounder of Wild Hogs popped out. He picked the biggest boar in the group, put the cross hairs on it's big 'ol dome piece
and let his trigger finger dance. Dropped him in his tracks!
The rest of the hogs scattered in which he told me afterwards, "Man, I didn't know those things could move that fast!" A few hogs ran back where they came from. A couple left to his right and a couple came straight at him. He was able to take a crack shot off at one of the sows that came towards him, rolled her!
When I walked up to his stand I could tell the man of few words was pretty jacked up! The beautiful sight of my light reflecting off the brass laying at the bottom of the stand brought a smile to my face. I love getting hunters on their first hogs!
Interested in going on a hog hunting adventure with me? Check out our Hog Hunts
HERE and let's talk about setting some dates!
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